40”x60” - SOLD
I take commissions for my word paintings. Contact estrangeart@icloud.com for more info.

24”x36” Framed
During Covid I (like everyone else) hit a serious depression. I didn’t want to create any art. I decided to try to just play with a different medium (ink and paper) and then my ink pieces were born! These ink pieces mean a lot to me as they brought me “back to life”, creating again.
$600.00 - Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

I was given a Bankers Box by the gallery to create a piece with. This piece stands for not only the boxes “Metamorphosis” into an art piece, but also for my own life.

10”x10” in box frame. Frame can be hung or has backing to stand on a table.
$250.00 - Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

10”x10” in box frame. Frame can be hung or has backing to stand up on a table.
I take Polaroids and make emulsions with them. Each Polaroid Emulsion has its own story that come with it.
$250.00 - Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

Polaroids - these are on going. I make different ones with different Polaroid photos I take - Contact me about seeing the ones I have available and prices at estrangetm@icloud.com

This is a 1 of 20 I’m creating of this survivor series. Not all will be identical, but will be the same medium (acrylic, charcoal, wire on canvas). Please contact me at estrangetm@icloud.com for this piece to be made (this particular piece is 12”x14” - It can however be made bigger) #1 has Sold.

Ink and Acrylic Paint on Canvas
I used the CYMK ink colors to create this piece.

18”x40” per panel
Charcoal, Paint, Ink, on Raw Canvas. The series I created when I was at war with myself getting sober and fighting for my life. I have made 15 sets of 3 and after that there will not be anymore. 3/15 have sold. Not all will be identical
1 panel is $550.00 3 for $1500.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com


1/20 - I have 3 left
$150.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

New experimental works with ink and paint 14”x14” Framed
$300.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

Ink 10”x10” - SOLD

Contact for price estrangetm@icloud.com

Detail photo

Experimental works with ink - Contact for Price estrangetm@icloud.com

Contact me for prices at estrangetm@icloud.com

Detail Photo

12”x24” - Ink
$125.00 Unframed $150.00 with a “scroll frame” Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

Detail Photo

This was from my first solo show titled “HERSTORY”, located at PII gallery in Philadelphia, PA.
Polaroids. I loved my History of Photography class in college. Photography is a very interesting medium (Especially “old” photography with film, dark rooms, light boxes, ect. I sometimes long for the days where people had to do more hands on work, there was no phone camera, editing a photo, no filters, you HAD to have a good eye! I love looking at old photos, I love the stories I see in each one, but I mostly see these at flea markets now.
These are on going. I make different ones with different Polaroid photos I take - Contact me about seeing the ones I have available and prices at estrangetm@icloud.com
Detail shot
Polaroids - these are on going. I make different ones with different Polaroid photos I take - Contact me about seeing the ones I have available and prices at estrangetm@icloud.com

When I think of the color purple I think of chaos (for some reason). I tend to not use it much. - Contact for Price at estrangetm@icloud.com

Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas - 18”x24”
$450.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com

Acrylic on Canvas - Contact for Price at estrangetm@icloud.com

Acrylic on Canvas - Contact for Price at estrangetm@icloud.com

Raw has 25 different canvases/ different sizes. After all are sold there will be no more made.

Older painting of a sunflower. I still paint these. I have a deep love and respect for what Mother Nature produces. I get a lot of my color ideas from nature. Contact me for a commission of a flower - estrangetm@icloud.com

Older painting of a sunflower. I still paint these. I have a deep love and respect for what Mother Nature produces. I get a lot of my color ideas from nature. Contact me for a commission of a flower - estrangetm@icloud.com

Older painting of a sunflower. I still paint these. I have a deep love and respect for what Mother Nature produces. I get a lot of my color ideas from nature. Contact me for a commission of a flower - estrangetm@icloud.com

40”x60” - SOLD
I take commissions for my word paintings. Contact estrangeart@icloud.com for more info.
24”x36” Framed
During Covid I (like everyone else) hit a serious depression. I didn’t want to create any art. I decided to try to just play with a different medium (ink and paper) and then my ink pieces were born! These ink pieces mean a lot to me as they brought me “back to life”, creating again.
$600.00 - Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
I was given a Bankers Box by the gallery to create a piece with. This piece stands for not only the boxes “Metamorphosis” into an art piece, but also for my own life.
10”x10” in box frame. Frame can be hung or has backing to stand on a table.
$250.00 - Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
10”x10” in box frame. Frame can be hung or has backing to stand up on a table.
I take Polaroids and make emulsions with them. Each Polaroid Emulsion has its own story that come with it.
$250.00 - Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
Polaroids - these are on going. I make different ones with different Polaroid photos I take - Contact me about seeing the ones I have available and prices at estrangetm@icloud.com
This is a 1 of 20 I’m creating of this survivor series. Not all will be identical, but will be the same medium (acrylic, charcoal, wire on canvas). Please contact me at estrangetm@icloud.com for this piece to be made (this particular piece is 12”x14” - It can however be made bigger) #1 has Sold.
Ink and Acrylic Paint on Canvas
I used the CYMK ink colors to create this piece.
18”x40” per panel
Charcoal, Paint, Ink, on Raw Canvas. The series I created when I was at war with myself getting sober and fighting for my life. I have made 15 sets of 3 and after that there will not be anymore. 3/15 have sold. Not all will be identical
1 panel is $550.00 3 for $1500.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
1/20 - I have 3 left
$150.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
New experimental works with ink and paint 14”x14” Framed
$300.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
Ink 10”x10” - SOLD
Contact for price estrangetm@icloud.com
Detail photo
Experimental works with ink - Contact for Price estrangetm@icloud.com
Contact me for prices at estrangetm@icloud.com
Detail Photo
12”x24” - Ink
$125.00 Unframed $150.00 with a “scroll frame” Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
Detail Photo
This was from my first solo show titled “HERSTORY”, located at PII gallery in Philadelphia, PA.
Polaroids. I loved my History of Photography class in college. Photography is a very interesting medium (Especially “old” photography with film, dark rooms, light boxes, ect. I sometimes long for the days where people had to do more hands on work, there was no phone camera, editing a photo, no filters, you HAD to have a good eye! I love looking at old photos, I love the stories I see in each one, but I mostly see these at flea markets now.
These are on going. I make different ones with different Polaroid photos I take - Contact me about seeing the ones I have available and prices at estrangetm@icloud.com
Detail shot
Polaroids - these are on going. I make different ones with different Polaroid photos I take - Contact me about seeing the ones I have available and prices at estrangetm@icloud.com
When I think of the color purple I think of chaos (for some reason). I tend to not use it much. - Contact for Price at estrangetm@icloud.com
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas - 18”x24”
$450.00 Contact Estrangetm@icloud.com
Acrylic on Canvas - Contact for Price at estrangetm@icloud.com
Acrylic on Canvas - Contact for Price at estrangetm@icloud.com
Raw has 25 different canvases/ different sizes. After all are sold there will be no more made.
Older painting of a sunflower. I still paint these. I have a deep love and respect for what Mother Nature produces. I get a lot of my color ideas from nature. Contact me for a commission of a flower - estrangetm@icloud.com
Older painting of a sunflower. I still paint these. I have a deep love and respect for what Mother Nature produces. I get a lot of my color ideas from nature. Contact me for a commission of a flower - estrangetm@icloud.com
Older painting of a sunflower. I still paint these. I have a deep love and respect for what Mother Nature produces. I get a lot of my color ideas from nature. Contact me for a commission of a flower - estrangetm@icloud.com